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Process Redesign: The Implementation Guide for Managers (paperback)
TitreProcess Redesign: The Implementation Guide for Managers (paperback)
Nom de fichierprocess-redesign-the_mLmgJ.epub
Taille1,241 KiloByte
Une longueur de temps54 min 59 seconds
QualitéRealAudio 96 kHz
Publié5 years 9 months 25 days ago
Nombre de pages160 Pages

Process Redesign: The Implementation Guide for Managers (paperback)

Catégorie: Érotisme, Science-Fiction
Auteur: Jez Humble
Éditeur: Karen M. McManus, Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Publié: 2016-01-08
Écrivain: Russell Punter, Deborah E. Harkness
Langue: Grec, Tchèque, Allemand
Format: epub, Livre audio
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Process Redesign: The Implementation Guide for - Reengineering and Total Quality Management promised dramatic improvements in profit, efficiency, and quality, but a number of TQM initiatives ended in failure as a result of an incorrect or incomplete implementation process
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Process Redesign: The Implementation Guide for Managers: - It is designed for leaders at any level who are committed to drastically improving their organization's performance through redesigning its processes. This book goes beyond "the quick-read books" on total quality management and reengineering by providing a step-by-step guide on what to do
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Process Redesign: The Implementation Guide for - Reengineering and Total Quality Management promised dramatic improvements in profit, efficiency, and quality, but a number of TQM initiatives ended in failure as a result of an incorrect or incomplete implementation process. 1. Quick Reference Guide to Process Redesign
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